Community Plunge

The Community Plunge Event is a day-long experience that allows people
to gain understanding about mental health and opioid use disorders, as
well as Grant County’s resources. The day includes speakers from
local healthcare providers and tours of services, as well as an immersive
Q1 How knowledgeable are you about the local opioid epidemic?
Q2 How knowledgeable are you about mental health illnesses?
Q3 How knowledgeable are you about Grant County’s mental health and
addiction resources?
Q4 How sympathetic do you feel towards someone with a mental health or
opioid use disorder?
Q5 How optimistic are you about client recovery?
Q6 Do you believe that Grant County has adequate resources to deal with
the opioid crisis?
Q7 Goal for the day:
Answered: 16 Skipped: 4