Community Members Addressing Tobacco Issues in Grant County

TORCH is a new coalition of community members leading the way to a healthier
Grant County, currently addressing tobacco issues.
The current “State of Tobacco in Grant County” is concerning: 31% of adults smoke (second highest in the state), 125 deaths attributed to smoking, and the smoking rate of pregnant women is 31.4% (the state rate is 13.5%).
Tobacco is the highest financial burden for any preventable health problem (cancer, heart, and lung diseases). Unlike other risk factors, tobacco negatively impacts both the smoker and all of those within their family and friendship circle. It is an issue that complicates the physical health, the financial burden, and exposure of second-hand and third-hand smoke.
The TORCH Coalition is a key component for educating and uniting our community to prioritize tobacco prevention and cessation. Grant County has received a grant from the State of Indiana to assist with TORCH tobacco initiatives.
The coalition meets on the first Tuesday of every month at Marion Health, fifth floor, conference room F. If you are interested in being a part of the TORCH Coalition, or would like to schedule an education event, please call Kelley Hochstetler at 765-660-7204 or by email at kelley.hochstetler@Marion
The current “State of Tobacco in Grant County” is concerning: 31% of adults smoke (second highest in the state), 125 deaths attributed to smoking, and the smoking rate of pregnant women is 31.4% (the state rate is 13.5%).
Tobacco is the highest financial burden for any preventable health problem (cancer, heart, and lung diseases). Unlike other risk factors, tobacco negatively impacts both the smoker and all of those within their family and friendship circle. It is an issue that complicates the physical health, the financial burden, and exposure of second-hand and third-hand smoke.
The TORCH Coalition is a key component for educating and uniting our community to prioritize tobacco prevention and cessation. Grant County has received a grant from the State of Indiana to assist with TORCH tobacco initiatives.
The coalition meets on the first Tuesday of every month at Marion Health, fifth floor, conference room F. If you are interested in being a part of the TORCH Coalition, or would like to schedule an education event, please call Kelley Hochstetler at 765-660-7204 or by email at kelley.hochstetler@Marion