Event Details
Heart-Healthy Nutrition Class
About This Event
- Event Type:Classes
The Heart-Healthy Nutrition class will center on improving cardiovascular health by reducing saturated fats and replacing them with healthy fats. A registered dietitian will also include other nutrition recommendations for cardiac health, label reading, and tips on eating out.
Appeals to: Adults interested in learning more about the content of fats in foods and how to make healthy food choices.
Optional Microsoft Teams meeting
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Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 272 405 203 470
Passcode: pN7FMb
Or call in (audio only)
+1 765-382-9979,,786913405# United States, Indianapolis
Phone Conference ID: 786 913 405#
Registration Instructions:
Class is free to attend.
330 N Wabash Ave, Ground Floor, Diabetes Education Room G90
For more information call 765-660-6050.
Registration Type:
No Registration Required